On October 30th I received a call that I knew would evntually come but I just didn't expect it so soon. My grandfather peacefully passed away in the early morning. I was able to fly out two days later and be with my family for the funeral. I think I held all my emotions in until the day of his funeral. That day we celebrated his life in the way he would have wanted to celebrate it: dancing to his favorite music. We held hands and sang to him, we told him what we loved about him and we played a famous Peruvian song: El Condor Pasa.
I think about his life and about its impact on me and who I am today. My grandfather was a merchant in Peru who sold garlic and onion. Based on his earnings he was able to buy a house and send his children to the US to study and get a college degree. With time his children brought him over and he was also able to buy a home in California. All this he achieved on what he made selling vegetables.
My Papito held my mom's hand as she passed away and assured her that I would be taken care of. He taught me how to read in spanish, how to do simple math, he showed me the value of had work and saving money. He even taught me how to ride a bike, bought me my first car and computer. He did everything a father would do and he was the only dad that I ever knew. I am just grateful that through the unfortunate circumstances of my life I was blessed enough to have had my grandparents raise me. I have had such a wonderful childhood because of them. Te amo Papito lindo y siempre te voy a llever en un lugar muy especial en mi corazon.
Apiadate de mi, si tienes corazon, escucha en sus latidos la voz de mi dolor. Pero regresa para llenar el vacio que dejaste al irte. Regresa aunque sea para despedirte. No dejes que muera sin decirte adios.