Friday, August 28, 2009

Max is so good with his little sister Isela. He is so affectionate and is genuinely concerned when she cries. He always wants to help taking care of her. I am still surprised that he has not exhibited any jealous behavior as of yet but I'm so grateful for that.
I am super thankful for Tia Patti and Tia Teresa who came out to help me the first three weeks. Max misses his Tias and always talks about going to the park with them. We'll be seeing them again in the next couple months.


Shilowe said...

What adorable children! I am so glad to hear that Max is so loving and accepting of his beautiful baby sister. He's such a good boy! And I am SO glad you made some new posts on your blog! I'll be looking forward to your next one! :)

cas said...

So Cute! How has everything been going? Hope all is well!