Snowy times in Philadelphia

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It snowed big time over the weekend and so I took the kids out to our little patio to play in the snow. Max had a blast but I felt bad that I couldn't do much with him since I was holding Isela. So on Monday we decided to play in what was left of the snow(which is a lot) while Isela was napping.

Here is our pathetic attempt at making a snow man. As I was helping Max make it I realized that it was my first time ever making a snow man. So what could have been a snow man ended up being a snow face.

Later on that day Blair took Max out again for somemore snow fun and Max insisted on taking his "Elmo car." I can't believe how attached he is to this toy. He learned how to walk with this toy and he puts all his treasures in it. This worries me because I was planning on having Isela use this in a few months to learn how to walk but I think I'd be better off getting her a new one.


Shilowe said...

I love your cute snowman face. And that was so cute that Max took his car outside, too. I agree with you--the snow makes everything so much prettier! :)